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Text File  |  1988-03-31  |  11KB  |  198 lines

  1. [I],[A]         Accumulation Distribution         OFF
  2. [F],[A]         Add a Security File (File Menu)   OFF
  3. [D],[E],[A]     Add a Data Record (Data Menu)     OFF
  4. [D],[D]         Adjust for Distribution (Data)    OFF
  5. [D],[A]         Adjust for Split (Data Menu)      OFF
  6. [Ctrl]-[F2]     Andrews' Pitchfork                 ON
  7. [A]             Angle of Last Line                 ON
  8. [T]             Angle, Draw Trendline By           ON
  9. [G]             Angle, Draw Gann Angle             ON
  10. [Ctrl]-[F4]     Arcs, Fibonacci                    ON
  11. [P]             Arrow, Pointer                    OFF
  12. [L]             Arrows, Leaving                    ON
  13. [L],[A]         Auto Advance (File Menu)          OFF
  14. [Ctrl]-[F1]     Automation, See Macro          ON/OFF
  15. [I],[E],[D]     Average Directional Movement      OFF
  16. [Shift]-[F7]    Bar (Histogram) or Line Indicator OFF
  17. [Ctrl]-[F7]     Bar (High/Low/Close) or Line PriceOFF
  18. [Alt]-[B]       Blank Screen                      OFF
  19. [A]             Calculator                        OFF
  20. [I],[B]         Chaikin A/D Oscillator            OFF
  21. [Alt]-[C]       Change Chart Menu                 OFF
  22. [C]             Change Color                      OFF
  23. [F10],[C]       Change Directory (Directory Menu) OFF
  24. [L],[C]         Change Directory (Select File)    OFF
  25. [F],[F]         Check Disk Space (File Menu)      OFF
  26. [Alt]-[C],[C]   Clone Chart                       OFF
  27. [Ctrl]-[F7]     Closing Prices Only               OFF
  28. [I],[C]         Commodity Channel Index           OFF
  29. [I],[E],[F]     Commodity Selection Index         OFF
  30. [C]             Colors, Changing                  OFF
  31. [F],[C]         Copy Security File (File Menu)    OFF
  32. [O]             Custom Indicators (Oscillators)   OFF
  33. [I]             Crosshair/Arrow (Intersect) Lines  ON
  34. [C]             Cycle Lines                        ON
  35. [D]             Data Maintenance Menu             OFF
  36. [D]             Data Window                        ON
  37. [D],[E],[F]     Date, Finding (Data Menu)         OFF
  38. [F9]            Date, Finding (with Pointer)       ON
  39. [Alt]-[F4]      Decrease Volume Bar Height        OFF
  40. [D],[E],[D]     Delete a Record (Data Menu)       OFF
  41. [F],[D]         Delete Security File (File Menu)  OFF
  42. [I],[D]         Demand Index                      OFF
  43. [I],[E]         Directional Movement Menu         OFF
  44. [I],[E],[A]     Directional Movement Index        OFF
  45. [I],[E],[E]     Directional Movement Rating       OFF
  46. [F10]           Directory Menu                    OFF
  47. [F],[F]         Free Disk Space (File Menu)       OFF
  48. [D],[D]         Distribution, Adjust for (Data)   OFF
  49. [Alt]-[F7]      Dotted Lines                      OFF
  50. [D],[E],[E]     Edit Data (Data Menu)             OFF
  51. [F],[E]         Edit Security Name (File Menu)    OFF
  52. [Ctrl]-[F1]     End Macro                      ON/OFF
  53. [E]             End Trendline                      ON
  54. [M],[E]         Erase a Moving Average            OFF
  55. [ESC]           Escape, Abort Current Process  ON/OFF
  56. [X]             Extend Chart                      OFF
  57. [X]             Extend Trendline                   ON
  58. [Ctrl]-[F4]     Fibonacci, Arcs                    ON
  59. [F4]            Fibonacci, Fan Lines               ON
  60. [Shift]-[F4]    Fibonacci, Time Zones              ON
  61. [F]             File Maintenance Menu             OFF
  62. [D],[E],[F]     Find a Date (Data Menu)           OFF
  63. [F9]            Find a Date (with Pointer)         ON
  64. [L],[F]         Find a Name (Select File)         OFF
  65. [F]             Flip Pointer                       ON
  66. [O]             Formulas, User                    OFF
  67. [F],[F]         Free Disk Space (File Menu)       OFF
  68. [G]             Gann Angles (both lines and grids) ON
  69. [D],[E],[G]     Go to a Record (Data Menu)        OFF
  70. [F1]            Help (press [ENTER] to exit)   ON/OFF
  71. [F3]            Height, Chart                     OFF
  72. [Alt]-[F4]      Height, Volume (decrease)         OFF
  73. [Shift]-[F4]    Height, Volume (increase)         OFF
  74. [I],[F]         Herrick Payoff Index              OFF
  75. [Shift]-[F7]    Histogram/Line Indicator          OFF
  76. [H]             Horizontal Grid On/Off            OFF
  77. [H]             Horizontal Line                    ON
  78. [Shift]-[F2]    Horizontal Quadrant Lines          ON
  79. [Shift]-[F4]    Increase Volume Bar Height        OFF
  80. [I]             Indicator Menu                    OFF
  81. [F],[I]         Initialize Disk (File Menu)       OFF
  82. [D],[E],[I]     Insert a Record (Data Menu)       OFF
  83. [I]             Intersect (Cross Hair) Lines       ON
  84. [W]             Label Chart (Write Command)        ON
  85. [Alt]-[L]       Large Chart                       OFF
  86. [L]             Leave Arrow                        ON
  87. [Shift]-[[F7]   Line/Histogram Indicator          OFF
  88. [Ctrl]-[F7]     Line (Closing Only) or Bar Prices OFF
  89. [Alt]-[F7]      Line Style, Dotted or Solid       OFF
  90. [B]             Linear Bands                       ON
  91. [F6]            Linear/Log Scaling                OFF
  92. [Z]             Linear Regression Trendline        ON
  93. [L]             Load Security                     OFF
  94. [I],[I]         MACD                              OFF
  95. [Ctrl]-[F1]     Macro, Start/End               ON/OFF
  96. [F10],[M]       Make Directory (Directory Menu)   OFF
  97. [/]             Main Selection Menu                OFF
  98. [I],[G]         Median Price                      OFF
  99. [Alt]-[M]       Medium Chart                      OFF
  100. [I],[E],[C]     Minus Directional Indicator       OFF
  101. [I],[H]         Momentum                          OFF
  102. [Arrows]        Movement, Chart                   OFF
  103. [Arrows]        Movement, Pointer                  ON
  104. [M]             Moving Average Menu               OFF
  105. [M]             Moving Average Window (values)     ON
  106. [I],[J]         Negative Volume Indicator         OFF
  107. [L],[N]         New Data Disk (Load Menu)         OFF
  108. [I],[K]         On Balance Volume                 OFF
  109. [F1]            On-line Help                   ON\OFF
  110. [I],[L]         Open Interest                     OFF
  111. [O]             Oscillators/Formulas              OFF
  112. [F7]            Overlay Next Plot                 OFF
  113. [P]             Parallel Line                      ON
  114. [F6]            Percent Retracement                ON
  115. [I],[Z]         Percent R (%R), Williams'         OFF
  116. [Ctrl]-[F2]     Pitchfork, Andrews'                ON
  117. [Shift]-[F8]    Point & Figure Charting           OFF
  118. [ESC]           Pointer Mode Off                   ON
  119. [P]             Pointer Mode On                   OFF
  120. [/]             Pointer Selection Menu             ON
  121. [I],[N]         Positive Volume Indicator         OFF
  122. [I],[O]         Price Oscillator                  OFF
  123. [I],[P]         Price Rate-Of-Change              OFF
  124. [I],[Q]         Price Volume Comparison           OFF
  125. [I],[R]         Price Volume Trend                OFF
  126. [F5]            Print Menu                        OFF
  127. [S]             Print Screens (Screen Menu)       OFF
  128. [Ctrl]-[F10]    Profitability Testing             OFF
  129. [Ctrl]-[F1]     Program Automation (Macros)    ON/OFF
  130. [Shift]-[F2]    Quadrant Lines                     ON
  131. [Q]             Quit to DOS                       OFF
  132. [Alt]-[F8]      Relative Strength (Comparative)   OFF
  133. [I],[S]         Relative Strength Index (RSI)     OFF
  134. [F10],[R]       Remove Directory (Directory Menu) OFF
  135. [ENTER]         Remove Help                       OFF
  136. [R]             Remove/Restore Last Trendline      ON
  137. [Alt]-[F2]      Reset System Settings             OFF
  138. [F6]            Retracement, Percent               ON
  139. [S] & [E]       Rubber-Band Line ([S]tart/[E]nd)   ON
  140. [Ctrl]-[Z]      Scaling, Zoom (with box)          OFF
  141. [U]             Scaling, User                     OFF
  142. [S]             Screen Menu                       OFF
  143. [D],[S]         Select File, to Edit (Data Menu)  OFF
  144. [L]             Select File, to Load              OFF
  145. [Alt]-[U]       Size, of Active Chart             OFF
  146. [W],[C]         Size, of Inner Windows            OFF
  147. [F6]            Semi-Log Charting                 OFF
  148. [F3]            Short/Tall Chart                  OFF
  149. [Y]             Show Y-Axis Values